Saturday, October 29
The Amazing RaceWhile the world races to reach the top of their social, corporate, academic etc ladders today, me and a bunch of kids were racing from one venue to another, completing tasks and solving puzzles. Co-organised (very minimally, actually) an event for the kids in the place I volunteer in today. We planned a "The Amazing Race" kind of activity for them to run around the campus and be acquainted with the university. Hopefully, this activity might spur them on (somehow) to aim to study in the university. To them, university education is something unreachable. Unlike us, where university education is another norm, if not a MUST. The only difference is, we think of which universities that are unreachable (am talking about the likes of Stanford, Oxbridge, Harvard etc) to us. I felt this immense joy when I see the kids running around, trying to complete the tasks we set for them. Of course, since we were quite short of time, we had to help them as much as we can without giving away the answers. :) I love the joy I see in one of the girl's face when I wished her an early birthday. I knew that she was suprised, but I also know that she was happy too. And it was heartwarming to see the kids run to me when the got down the bus and pulled me to sit with them. How I wish something could change their family condition. These are kids with so much potential and with sufficient love and nurturing, they will grow up to be confident adults and make a positive difference in other people's life. (I almost wanted to say "grow up to be useful adults and contributing to the society". But then that would sound rather judgmental.) Anyway, this is probably just a very tiny impact in their life. I just hope I'll get to see the fruits of our labour in future... *** On a totally unrelated matter, I think MMuthiah will look like this in 20 or 30 years. Maybe with less hair? Heh. Pic courtesy of The Star Online.Btw, this man is the D-G of Health Ministry of Malaysia. He became a prominent figure when SARS hit the country. *** I am very tired now, but my mind cannot stop thinking of food (have not had lunch) and Medicinal Chemistry. Sigh. The test's on Monday and I'm afraid I might do worse than an A-. Maybe I should take a short power nap lah.
posted by w in d~ at 15:12
Wednesday, October 26
Grar-nessI just came online a while ago to check my mail (yay, thank YOU!) and found this in my uni inbox. Dear residents,
Please do not be alarm to see smoke on 27 October morning.
Fogging blahblahblah mosquitoes blahblahblah and blahblahblah.
Regards, Management What a wonderful way to start off an email! So tomorrow I will be walking among the "mists" ala magical wonderland and hopefully I don't lose my way to class. I think I'll feel rather ethereal. Heh. *** I'm rather unsure whether I want to jump onto the same bandwagon as everybody and air my opinions about the saga that has occured in the blogosphere lately. Hmm. Maybe not lah. I'll just keep these opinions to myself. It won't benefit anybody anyway. *** I don't like today. Because I walked all the way to the printing shop (some 5 minutes away) and realised I did not bring my wallet along. So there is no way I could print anything and I desperately need those documents for my tutorial, which was going to be held in 20 minutes. I brisk-walked back (in my lousy corn-inducing sandals) back to my room just to collect that said wallet. *insert random vulgarities here* And during tutorial, I'm damn glad I printed those stuff because my groupmates did not even KNOW they had to bring those documents. Aiyoh. Apa ni lah. Tutorial ended quite late and I had to rush back to my faculty to do a meaningless, idiotic test. I had only 10 minutes... No time for a last minute glance and I think I might do badly (relative to the top scorers in class lah). Argh. I hate this module with a vengeance. *insert more vulgarities here* I don't like the short, stumpy and rude TA with a face that is waiting to be bashed. He's such a prick. Ugh. *repeat to self* I shall not get worked up over worthless beings I shall not get worked up over worthless beings I shall not get worked up over worthless beings I shall not get worked up over worthless beings etcetc. Just had briyani for dinner and now the hot chilli is turning my tummy into an oven. Ugh. Need to defecate urgently too. Ugh. UGH. Right. I shall stop my inccessant rant now and actually do some work. I need to stop stalking other people's blogs. I spend too much time online and very little time on my work. Argh. Oh, I dreamt that I received my phone bill and the total came up to $130++. And true enough, when I ripped open that envelope today, I almost wanted to declare myself a prophet.
posted by w in d~ at 19:44
Monday, October 24
Discussion with selfYou see, I am always in some kind of a monetary limbo. It never occured to me in my 20 over years of life to think of money as important. That said, it does not imply that I was frivolous with my spendings, but rather, I only see money as a tool - which it rightfully is. But lately, as I start to put a larger portion of my foot into the evil, grown up world, I discover the necessity of money. Money is rather important. I have not yet regarded it as a means to an end, but it is an increasingly important tool for me to achieve my lofty goals and dreams. And if you are absolutely confused and tangled up in the web of convoluted words and sentences, fret not. I'm getting to the point already. So in order to achieve those lofty goals of mine, I start small. I save. I scrimp. in other words, I was a scrooge. That killed me. Because I absolutely cannot tahan having a metal chain (aka BUDGET) around me suffocating and controlling my spendings, making me spend on things that are absolutely necessary only. Things like pearl earrings that cost $12.90 is a frivolous no-no. I force myself to turn away from buying Kleenex tissue papers in favour for NTUC Fairprice ones. So I have thought of working. But I have absolutely no time even to paint my nails (hah hah. Bad example there), what more to work?! Greasy kitchens are definitely not my cup of tea either. And so I went online and found a great source of income. Filling up surveys! But you see, cunning and evil lurks around every corner on the web and it is absolutely dreadful if my meagre savings get cheated off. Then I thought of Adsense and Chitika. But problem now is, my readership is pathetically low. And even then, my readers are my friends. It doesn't sound very ethical to make my friends click on those links (which I usually ignore anyway) just so I could rake in some cash. Argh. Dilemma again. Anybody got a quickfix way to help me earn money? Preferably LEGAL please. What about eBay or Yahoo! Auctions ah. Who's going to buy stuff from me. Boohoohoo. And I need capital to acquite those things first. If I sell clothes, I might end up hoarding them all. And I might turn extremely materialistic...
posted by w in d~ at 13:33
Friday, October 21
Feel GOOD time...not :(I am *cough* TEH PWN!! Wahaha. OK. That was nothing really. Just wanted to be sarcastic at myself for being such a pro and not updating for more than one week! Woah. Anyway, what was I up to lately. Nothing more than mugging for tests after tests. There's another one coming on Wednesday, followed by the test of the highest order of difficulty and then a short 3 day break before another brainless (and dumb) test. After a "restful" weekend, the following Monday will be a test on antibiotics and ADR. ANTIBIOTICS! No kidding. I shudder to think of all 8 (or more classes) of antibacterials, anti-fungals and anti-virals. Then there's anti-cancer agents, poisons, adverse drug reactions etcetc. Long loooooong way to go...:( Am just rambling. Just ignore me. And NOBODY ever comments anymore. Boohoohoo. Ladeeda blah blah blah. I'm bored and am listening to this cacat sounding acapella arrangement of a NIRVANA song. -_-" They sound like a bunch of tikus trying to sing.
posted by w in d~ at 22:54
Wednesday, October 12
How should I...I'm feeling a little weary. Eyes are tired and my body is in need of some adrenaline-pumping exercise. But it is nice to sit back and let the beautiful voice of Corrine May to wash over me. You can fly so high/ Keep your gaze upon the sky...This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. I was happy, angry, upset, disappointed, excited and worried. All these emotions fluctuate from one to another, not knowing what is next. Emotions related to several incidents have been resolved, but there is one that has yet to be resolved. I am not sure who to tell this too because only I understand. I have been running around doing all the dirty job, holding up the choir during its lowest time, during its transition time. But at the end of it all, right now, the people that we have chosen to succeed us don't seem to think so. I know they think I did not do a good job. I know they do not think very highly of me. I was not accorded the admiration and praise as my previous president did. I am not asking for accolades, but am only asking for recognition. Recognition for my hard work and grit. Recognition of keeping and holding the choir together through the difficult times. I wasn't the strongest, but I persevered. Surely that deserves some salute? I don't know. I wanted so much to just leave and walk out on Monday. I was so discouraged. It was as if EVERYTHING we did was just a mere illusion, a quick blur in the midst of a performance, when the scenes change. I don't feel like I belong to the choir anymore. And the choir that I held so closely to my heart is no longer mine. It was snatched away from me. Yes, I am resentful now. Sigh. At least I am picking up the mess that I have left behind in my studies. Received my midterm essay back today and I've got a suprising score of 24/30 (A grade, wahaha). Bad news is, I have declared pass/fail on that module. Bah. Enough of this for now. I will go back to my readings and drown myself in the pool of obscure words.
posted by w in d~ at 22:49
Tuesday, October 11
ComplainI'm going to be like a typical tinyislander student and complain about my schedule. My weeks have been inundated with endless tests since the 4th week of school. Here are the proofs. The little orangey and yellowish Post-its are the dates with a test. Please pardon the fuzzy images cos I was lazy and used my webcam to take pictures instead. September October November Little stickers of other colours are the dates of my finals. I just love the uni I'm in man.There is still 1 or 2 more tests not shown on the calender yet because our dear lecturers have not decided on the date. Urgh. Oh, and I realised I left out a Post-it in September. So that makes the midterm break the only week without tests. OK. I shall go back to completing my assignment now. But before that, something more important first. Heh. *wink*
posted by w in d~ at 20:46
Um, *blush*So there you go. Mushy yet loving post. *blush* And coincidentally, right after I clicked on "Publish Post", the song, Same Side of The Moon started to play on my iTunes. I guess, no matter where we are, and how far we are physically apart from each other, we still see the same side of the moon. And that is some comfort to me. Even though you said that our relationship is one of depth but no perks, I'm sure there is some good that will come out it. Eventually. I long for the day for us to be together again, without having to think about the impeding separation all the time. Won't it be just wonderful. *smile* I am thankful for what we have, and what we are. I am not complaining and I know I am making people envious. Put your relationship to the time-distance test, and see whether it can withstand the pressure. I'm so proud of us! :D 3 years of relationship, only about 10 months spent together physically. OK. I'd better stop before some of my faithful readers start retching. Heehee.
posted by w in d~ at 00:13
The MemeYou know this thing that has been circulating around the net. Something people tag each other with? I think they are called memes. For the life of me, I could not figure out the proper pronunciation for this word. Should it sound like mee-mee or meh-meh (as in nenek)? Anyway, here’s one that I wanted to do for the longest time cos I think it is probably going to be the most meaningful meme I’ll be doing in a while. *** I am the girl that groaned inwardly and dreaded your presence when she saw you joining the same orientation group as her. I am the girl that you refused to do the rain dance with. I am the girl that told you about her wish for a fake boyfriend to ward off unnecessary attention from a weird senior. And you helped her to fabricate a boyfriend. I am the girl that you have made her wonder whether she is falling in love with you. I am the girl that lost her glasses while kayaking in ECP. I am the girl that received a handmade violet rose in her locker the weekend before V-day. I am the girl that you walked “home” for the first time after a band concert in VCH. I am the girl that bumped into you while you were secretly trying to arrange your birthday present to her in her locker as a surprise. I am the girl that rejected you the first time you asked even though you did not sleep the night before thinking about your decision. I am the girl that eventually asked you whether the journey is on the right track. I am the girl that you brought on the Flying Carpet ride screaming her head off in fear. I am the girl that you bought Panadol for and yet said you have stolen it from the counter instead. It made her laugh even though her head was throbbing like mad. I am the girl that had you change your mind about breaking up because it was the first day of school and her first day as the president. I am the girl that had you drive for 6 long hours in the snow to pick her up from the airport just to make another 6 hour long trip back to Cornell. I am the girl that you lovingly massaged her feet with moisturizing cream after a long day of walking around in Philly. I am the girl that has broken your heart because she wanted to break up with you over the trivial-est reasons. I am the girl that called you at your 4am just to scold you for ignoring her and finishing up the earlier argument. I am the girl whose face would light up whenever your name is mentioned. I am the girl that your hand would find its way into her hand and entwine your fingers with hers. I am the girl that you would endlessly counsel whenever she’s down and depressed. I am the girl that could not think of ANYTHING to get for you on our anniversary. *hangs head in shame * I am the girl that could only blog her dedication and heartfelt thanks to you. Happy 3rd Anniversary, my dear LY. I love you.
posted by w in d~ at 00:01
Monday, October 10
Sun, moon and skyIt's been a long time since I last blogged properly. But tonight, I am making the extra effort to blog properly, because I feel that a proper post is deserving. As I wind down to the end of today, I think of the events that had happened so spontaneously, so quickly. I woke up at 7.30am, got myself ready for school quickly and hurriedly grabbed my stack of notes, hoping to catch a few glances at it while I walk to class. But deep inside me, I know that the effort to revise some last minute info never work well with me. The test was an easy one. And I have made a total waste out of it. No point regretting now. Because I already knew. *** The day is coming to an end. It is the closing of one chapter and the opening of a new chapter. What lies ahead of us and what are the challenges that awaits us? Will there be more laughter or tears? Will we hold on to the end? When will our turn come? I wait with anticipation, a brighter dawn, a more beautiful day and a lovelier night.
posted by w in d~ at 23:07
Don't Give Up On Me - Solomon BurkeIf I fall short, if I don't make the grades If your expectations aren't met in me today There is always tomorrow, or tomorrow night Hang in there baby, sooner or later I know I'll get it right, Please, don't give up on me Oh please don't give up on me I know its late, late in the game But my feelings, my true feelings Haven't changed Here in my heart I know, I know I was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong I'd like to make amends for the love that I never, ever, ever, ever shown Just don't give up on me, every word is true I'll give you my everything, all of my love, all of my love, all of my love, love, love to you Just don't give up on me Oh please, please, please Don't give up on me. I don't want you to I know it's late, but wait, please, please, please, please Don't give up on me Promise, will you promise, will you promise me Please don't give up on me We can make it if we try I'm gonna hold on, hold on with me And don't give up on me, oh-ooh, oohohoooh baby Oh baby, Oh baby, please, don't give up on me Whatever you do, we gonna make it, gonna make it through Don't you give up on me, please, please, please.... Promise me Don't give up on me. *** I couldn't resist to add in some comments of my own. Teehee. Sounds like a guy that doesn't know how to do it cos he's "late in the game". Hehe. But besides that equivocal lines, the rest are OK. And the song is excellent to groove and feel smooth to. Yummmmmmmmm. Anyway, it's supposed to be a very romantic song. Sung in a very romantic setting in The OC. :)
posted by w in d~ at 17:37
Monday, October 3
Some ramblingsJust read in the news. An Australian pair won the 2005 Nobel Medicine Prize for discovering the bacteria ( Helicobacter pylori) that causes gastric ulcer. And I thought that was discovered many years back? *puzzled* And. This acquaintance-friend that has disappeared from my life for more than 1 year has decided to suddenly say hello to me on MSN. And not without an ulterior motive. Her move was so predictable. First, compliment that my display pic is cute. Then, ask me what does my nick mean and then, ask about how I'm doing and what I've been up to. Then finally, *BOMB* "would you like to come for a bbq plus frisbee outing with my cell group people?" Those same people that kept harassing me when I decided to take a break from their church and those same people that were forcing their way through, trying to invade my privacy, wanting to be a part of my life. I mean, hey, chill it man, I'll let you in my life when I feel ready to. I don't like people forcing their way through with me. Anyhow, they are a nice bunch of people. But as usual, there's always an ulterior motive when Christians suddenly become friendly to you again. Be a bit more sincere can? Sheesh. I'm not against having Christian friends. They are nice people really, but sometimes when they push a little too much I flee. Wahaha. Like how they fleeeee from the devil. :D Anyway, I should not continue with my monologue. Met up with mom today after class and had wonderful Japanese dinner (my favourite cuisine after Malaysian food!). I think mom was pretty tired after a long day of travelling and working. She did look tired. And we shared a small cup of Ferrero Rocher flavoured icecream. Yum. Ok. I shall go back to work before turning in earlier tonight. :)
posted by w in d~ at 21:12
Sunday, October 2
W00t! My 1000-th post!Buahahahahhaha. Excuse me while I laugh maniacally. Wahahahahahahaha. *cough* And funniest thing of all, I was surfing around this morning looking for another website to host my blog. Haha. But of course nothing materialised lah. Looking only what. Anyway, I just wanted to blog about one thing. I wished I had made the effort to find out more about US before deciding to diss the country into oblivion and thus ending up with applications to UK, Australian, Malaysian (*cringe*) and Singapore pharm schools only. If only hor. Haha. Too late babeh! Now I have to finish up another 1.5 years in tinylittleisland and serve another few years of bond. Grar. *ROARRR* And did I mention it is so freaking hard to penetrate another country's professional circle?
posted by w in d~ at 14:42