Sunday, November 30
For a visual treat of yesterday's outing, click here. Have fun!
posted by w in d~ at 13:42
Phew. Just came back from Bugis and Esplanade. Had dinner with 12 other people near Sim Lim Square and it totalled to about $90. Not too bad huh. Considering we ordered paddy chicken or commonly known as frogs, and fried baby squids. They looked so cute! And they're extremely crunchy too. Walked from Bugis to Esplanade and talked quite a lot of cock along the way...bought some more stuff for people! A glow-in-the-dark wrist support for Lyd, a very cheap bookmark for someone (anybody actually) and a nice ivory shawl for Mommy. Am happy...
posted by w in d~ at 01:35
Saturday, November 29
Exams are OVER! *grin* And it's been a great day so far.
Roamed Orchard all alone, took some pictures, bought some gifts, bought a blue miniskirt for myself! Think I looked cute in it. Hee. And...going to Bugis later!
posted by w in d~ at 16:14
Friday, November 28
This is ME!
Funny. When I typed Ling, I got myself a lively actor. When I typed my given name, I got Ugly Lawyer. This is absolutely random I tell you. Because 1. I am so not ugly (right, darling?) and 2. I don't have the gift of the gab. So there.
Btw, what do I exterminate?
posted by w in d~ at 23:19
Just had a long chat with my darling. How I wish he's around...and have him gimme a nice beary hug. It's kinda cold lately, with all the rain. Have I told you dear, that I love talking to you when you just woke up. Hee.
Last paper tomorrow. Yay! Can't wait to step out of NUS. Think the last time I was out of the campus was 2 weeks ago? Pathetic huh. But this place is so ulu. So troublesome to just get to the MRT. Blergh.
posted by w in d~ at 21:24
1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year.
Drive without parents' supervision, get myself a new hairdo, save more than 1000 dollars, remove dad's really old books from my shelves, get a new pair of sneakers.
2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again.
Well, Stalla, Kelly, Aud, Pam Loh and Pam Loh (I know 2 Pam Lohs. Heh).
3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do.
Jazz dancing, COOK, knit, play the guitar properly, Java.
4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit).
Go to US! Quit NUS and go to London, get my parents a brand new house, buy myself out of this damned bond with Singapore and be a taitai. :P
5. List five things you do that help you relax.
Blog, read, sing, stare into space and talk to my dearest.
posted by w in d~ at 00:29
Thursday, November 27
Do you know how sick I am of waiting?
1. Waiting for the laundry.
2. Waiting for late people.
3. Waiting for exams to end.
4. Waiting for my next birthday.
5. Waiting for the time when I could drive.
6. Waiting for the cleaner to finish cleaning the bathroom.
7. Waiting for people-that-will-take-hours-more-to-appear-online.
8. Waiting for non-existent mails and emails.
I'm frustratred. Grrrrrrrrr...
posted by w in d~ at 11:17
Even more Rabbit
Well, Robbie's been away for quite a while now. Trying to be a good friend he is, he wrote constantly to Ronnie. Ronnie was of course, happy to receive any news from him.
Well, time passed. The mails started to dwindle. Ronnie wondered why. Even the content of the mails became superficial and unreal. Ronnie wondered what had happened. Then it dawned on her. She had lost her friend. She will never get Robbie back again.
posted by w in d~ at 11:07
Tuesday, November 25
Briefly describe the parts of the brain,... Hmm. How should I start off the essay? "The brain is uh, located in the head(or the cranial cavity, to be anatomically correct)." or "The brain is a mass (or m ess) of neural tissues organised (oh, the irony) into two hemispheres." ? Or maybe "The brain is an obscure-looking thing, wrinkled and yucky. But extremely useful." Uh. Well. Heh. A bit too late to do essays huh.
Studies aside, I shall go on with the story of Ronnie! I think my readers love the series. Don't you, guys? Here goes.
Ronnie the Rabbit enjoyed playing with Robbie so much that she had forgotten to give attention to her friends. Slowly, Mr Fish found Mrs Fish, Dr Cow found Mr Bull, Molly the Worm found Muddy the Worm and Rover, well, he died. Sigh. So Ronnie decided to sit on a boulder beside the river to think her life over.
"Oh, what is wrong with me? Am I hoping for something that does not belong to me anymore? How I wish Robbie is around...but I mustn't look back! Life has to go on."
And so, she hopped and hopped and hopped into the river. Wanting to end her life, but unsuccessfully coz her big, flat hindpaws were keeping her afloat.
posted by w in d~ at 01:13
Sunday, November 23
Pia mater, arachnoid, dura mater, meninges, cauda equina, conus medullaris...they bore me to tears! Argh.
 My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost in a good book, or giggling with my best friend, I live in a world apart, one full of adventure and wonder and other stuff adults don't understand.
How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your: Wondering eyes. Your not quite focused and your quite the day dreamer. Your a bit odd and as many say "Your head is in the clouds."
What type of eyes do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
I like this! *grin*
 What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Nemo Nemo!! Wheee~
posted by w in d~ at 23:32
 What attracts people to you? brought to you by Quizilla
I am? I think I'm faaaaaaaar from sweet lah. Think I'm a Meanie. Nyekeke.
posted by w in d~ at 11:37
More Rabbit
Think I'm going to continue with my series of Ronnie the Rabbit until ideas run dry.
Anyway. Mommy Rabbit is always very concerned whenever Ronnie Rabbit goes out to buy eggs. Mommy Rabbit always reminded Ronnie to spread her eggs out in different baskets so that she could at least save some if any of the baskets dropped. But stubborn Ronnie always stuffed all the eggs into one basket despite Mommy Rabbit's warning. Of course, accidents do happen. Ronnie Rabbit dropped the basket with all the eggs on many occasions. And that got her into trouble with Mommy Rabbit. And of course, not having to eat her favourite half-boiled eggs with toast for at least 2 weeks. That made her kinda sad.
One day, Mommy Rabbit asked Ronnie to buy somemore eggs from the market. This time, she needed to get about 40 eggs. As usual, Ronnie stuffed them into one basket and carried them with extra care back home. A few times along the way, a pebble here or there threatened to trip her and send Ronnie and all her eggs flying. But well, she was lucky. And she still has 40 eggs in one basket.
posted by w in d~ at 10:39
Once upon a time, there's a little rabbit. Let's just call her Ronnie. She's a happy little one and would hop all over the grass patch in her homeland. Mommy Rabbit always warned her to be careful as there are many hidden enemies around. But stubborn Ronnie couldn't be bothered. She went around making friends with almost everybody around the grass patch. Mr Fish, Dr Cow, Molly the Worm and even Rover the sheep dog. But she's only interested in one friend, Robbie the Rabbit. Every day, she would hop over to his burrow to look for him to play and chat with. She still loved her other friends but she wanted to spend as much time with Robbie as possible. And Robbie enjoyed her company too. But of course, good things always end. Robbie had to go away. So now Ronnie is left with all her friends who love her a lot. But all she wanted is Robbie.
One day, she realised that, "Hey, Robbie might not even come back. So why not make the most of my situation now and be a good friend to everybody else." And so Robbie became just another rabbit in her life.
posted by w in d~ at 02:15
Friday, November 21
Gastric activity
This is how Frederic H. Martini describes gastric activity.
"... And after an hour, the material in the stomach is churning like clothing in a washing machine."
posted by w in d~ at 22:46
My Favourite Things
1. Collecting warm, fluffy laundry from the dryer on a cold, rainy day.
2. Hugging my 16-year-old stinky pillow while studying. Heh.
3. Resisting the temptation to chew chocolates and letting them melt slowly in the mouth instead.
4. Wake up to a cool but bright, shiny morning. (Unlikely to happen at this part of the world where the sun seems to be as kiasu as the people. Heh.)
5. Seeing your ICQ nick flashing on my list.
6. Listening to birds. Except when they are mating.
posted by w in d~ at 12:20
Friday Five!
1. Using one adjective, describe your current living space.
Urgh, unimaginably CRAMPED. Typical Singaporean living condition I suppose.
2. Using two adjectives, describe your current employer.
Not applicable. But maybe if I change it to ex-employer...she's hot and sexy. (Ex-airstewardess managing a lingerie boutique, how do you like that?)
3. Using three adjectives, describe your favorite hobby/pasttime.
Favourite pasttime is reading. So. How do you describe that? Time-filler, mind-occupier and just lovely.
4. Using four adjectives, describe your typical day. in such a cramped environment, this is how my days go by. Routine-like, unexciting, extremely safe and suffocated.
5. Using five adjectives, describe your ideal life.
Hmmm. Satisfaction, happiness, love, busy, exciting.
Yeah. That's about all.
It's 9.28am on my Mac and I'm having Rice Krispies for breakfast with Milo. Raining torrentially outside and I think the temperature's around 26 degrees. Dumdeedum. Back to Anatomy later!
posted by w in d~ at 09:21
Wednesday, November 19
"Best Friend"+eye infection+stomach cramp+exams=bad, bad combination.
'Nuff said.
posted by w in d~ at 12:34
Sunday, November 16
Southeast Asia
Am currently listening to this album of Southeast Asian aka Balinese-type songs. They actually sound good! And that invokes the desire to make my future home have a Balinese corner somewhere with nice music such as these playing softly in the background once in a while. Ah. Imaginations. All these while studying for my SEA paper on Tuesday. How appropriate. Heh.
posted by w in d~ at 17:04
Well, I have deleted the last 2 posts due to their sheer stupidity. And of course, that might give people a false impression of myself -- that I'm a brainless piece of specimen. Yup. So they are gone, together with the comments as well. :P
Hm. Something for you YM! And all RGS girls. Heehee. Go here and check it out. Interesting read. DO post your comments below. *wink*
posted by w in d~ at 17:00
Monday, November 10
From Enrique Iglesias' Hero
Would you dance
If I asked you to dance?
Would you run
And never look back?
Would you cry
If you saw me crying?
And would you save my soul, tonight?
Would you tremble
If I touched your lips?
Would you laugh?
Oh please tell me this.
Now would you die
For the one you loved?
Hold me in your arms, tonight.
Would you swear
That you'll always be mine?
Or would you lie?
would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
I don't care...
You're here tonight.
posted by w in d~ at 23:52
I saw this cute little toddler while playing basketball just now. She/he (couldn't identify the gender coz little kids look the same if they are not dressed up nicely) ran towards me with a yellow rubber ducky in her/his hands. Soooooooo cute!! Then what I did was to point the little ducky at her/him and squeezed it. My, such a loud, long squeak. Like duck farting. Anyway. I digress. (I'm supposed to sound cute and adorable here too) SO yes. The toddler. Then she/he took the ducky back from me and scooted away to her/his mother where she was a few metres away calling for her/him (she sounded as if we were some huge monsters ready to pound her little toddler with the basketball).
Sooooo cute!! Now I want a kid too.
posted by w in d~ at 21:37
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired
--Robert Frost
posted by w in d~ at 00:57
Friday, November 7
I think I'm damn good. I got it. Hahahaha...
posted by w in d~ at 11:19
Vita Brevis
1. Played basketball till 11pm yesterday. Then bummed around with friends in the court refusing to leave. Well, more like trying to outstay the security guard which was sitting at the far end of the courts. Haha. Proceeded to the Plaza and chatted somemore. The sky was absolutely beautiful - bright moon and starry, starry stars. ( Wish you were there with me) And suddenly we started singing. Of Sesame Street, Chinese New Year songs, Hari Raya songs, various childhood songs and loads of comtemporary ballads. Life is good. If only exams are not in the picture. Finally trudged back to room at 2am to shower and finally slept at 3am.
2. I am on eBay now. I like browsing through the stuff there. And this is the first time I'm doing a bid! I hope I get the watch ( for you, baby). Btw, I'd like a G-string for Christmas. Nyekekekeke...
posted by w in d~ at 10:57
Thursday, November 6
I'm a happy little girl today. *innocent gleeful smile*
posted by w in d~ at 20:53
Wednesday, November 5
Personality test
Your score on Extraversion is average, indicating you are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone. I agree.
Your score on Agreeableness is low, indicating less concern with others' needs than with your own. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising. I sound like some heartless, old hag. Bah.
Your score on Conscientiousness is high. This means you set clear goals and pursue them with determination. People regard you as reliable and hard-working.
Your score on Neuroticism is average, indicating that your level of emotional reactivity is typical of the general population. Stressful and frustrating situations are somewhat upsetting to you, but you are generally able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations.
Your score on Openness to Experience is average, indicating you enjoy tradition but are willing to try new things. Your thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others you appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellectual. SIGH.
BUT. Intellect and artistic interests are the two most important, central aspects of openness to experience. High scorers on Intellect love to play with ideas. They are open-minded to new and unusualideas, and like to debate intellectual issues. They enjoy riddles, puzzles, and brain teasers. Low scorers on Intellect prefer dealing with either people or things rather than ideas. They regard intellectual exercises as a waste of time. Intellect should not be equated with intelligence. Intellect is an intellectual style, not an intellectual ability, although high scorers on Intellect score slightly higher than low-Intellect individuals on standardized intelligence tests. Your level of intellect is high. I knew it!! Haha.
posted by w in d~ at 23:21
I miss you.
I want the whole world to know. I want everybody to know that I miss you tremendously. What can I do? Except to bury myself deep in exam preparation. SIGH. And such a lonely night too. Everybody is busy preparing for exams. Why do I allow my mind to wander? Why does it seem that all couples are conspiring against me? Showing off their affections for each other in front of me? I know that you'll be back home soon. But not soon enough to alleviate my longing for you right now.
I miss you.
posted by w in d~ at 22:49
There is this soup known as Sup Bunjut. I have not heard of it nor have I tasted it. I think it came from Indonesia. Anyhow, I went to the little mart in PGP today and came across this little bag of spices to dump in when making the soup. On the package, the words "Sup Bunjut" was printed BIG and nice on the front. And on the rack, where the price is this particular spice-bag is shown, the words "Sup BUNTUT" was printed. So.
posted by w in d~ at 20:33
Tuesday, November 4
Sarcastic sia
Hahaha...such sarcasm.
"To step into Kelantan is to go back in time. Modernisation and "evil" western influence seem to have bypassed this state."
posted by w in d~ at 23:21
Saturday, November 1
I must really must blog about this. Played basketball again (yay) but I got kicked in the stomach. And the funny thing is, it's BASKETBALL and not soccer or anything. Haha. I must have an exceptional affinity for injuries when I play basketball eh? But I like shooting balls a lot. The running and passing. So intense and exciting. Anyway, I would love to watch the moments right after I got kicked. Must be really amusing. After getting kicked, I think I clutched my stomach first and then I collapsed to the ground on my knees. Then I keeled over, still clutching my tummy, while letting out a low "URGH". Finally, I really couldn't take it anymore and my head hit the ground. I could not breathe for a while because the pain was so intense. Quite amusing don't you think? Heh.
OK. Back to studying. Will be going for supper later. YAY!
posted by w in d~ at 21:56