Wednesday, April 30
My blog's getting shallower as days go by...partly due to my inactivity (besides the Jap class) and my atrophying mind. No Pereira around to challenge my beliefs and make me think out of the norm. So, am I normal? Am I a thinking being??
Anyway, more boring details of my highly unproductive life is recorded below.
What I did today:
1. Went for Jap class.
2. Had heavy lunch with coffee (wow).
3. More lessons.
4. Went to British Council to borrow some very sick books about paedophiles and their unusual tendencies towards young, adolescent boys (with nice, swimmer-like body, smooth skin and taut asses). Brrr. And yes, they are men.
5. Came home to read and did some sit-ups lah.
6. Typing this and chatting with a friend.
posted by w in d~ at 18:15
Tuesday, April 29
Yikes. Japanese is getting harder! And there will be a test on Friday. Hope I get perfect score again. *crosses fingers*
Anyway, another nice song.
If a picture paints a thousand words
Then why can't I paint you
The words will never show
The you I've come to know
If a face could launch a thousand ships
Then where am I to go
There's no one home but you
You're all that's left me too
And when my love for life is running dry
You'll come and pour yourself on me
If a girl could be two places at one time
I'd be with you
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way
If the world should stop revolving
Spinning slowly down to die
I'd spend the end with you
And when the world was through
Then one by one the stars would all go out
Then you and I would simply fly away
posted by w in d~ at 17:55
Sunday, April 27
Home To Stay
I know you're gone
I watched you leave
I always thought
That it was me
You made it clear
With that last kiss
You couldn't live a life
With maybe's and whatif's
When every boat
Has sailed away
And every path
Is marked and paved
When every road
Has had its say
Then I'll be bringing you back
Home to stay
I have the cards you sent to me
You wrote of trains and Paris galleries
This spring you'll draw
Canals, and frescoed walls
Look how far your dreaming's gone
When every town looks just the same
When every choice gets hard to make
When every map is put away
Then I'll be bringing you back
Home to stay
And now I know why you had to go alone
Isn't there a place between
When every boat
Has sailed away
And every path
Is marked and paved
When every road
Has had its say
Then I'll be bringing you back
Home to stay
Reach out to me
Call out my name
And I would bring you back again
posted by w in d~ at 22:27
Have you ever woken up to the sounds of birds chirping?
I have.
Have you ever given so much of yourself that it hurts?
I have.
Have you ever felt immense joy in silence?
I have.
Have you ever felt that someone cannot live without you?
I have not.
Have you ever done something so dumb that you feel like kicking yourself?
I have.
Haiyah. Questions questions. And many more to come. I don't know how to answer them.
Dumdee dummm...
posted by w in d~ at 12:51
Saturday, April 26
Do you think I'll be suitable for a post in the UN? I know 3 languages well (though not equally) and I am now in the process of learning Japanese. I feel like doing something totally different.
Argh. I feel horrible. No amount of ranting or grumbling about it is going to make any difference. Just gotta live with it I guess. Life needs to go on whether I like it or not. It is this that will show how strong/weak I am, how I pick myself up and continue walking with my head lifted up, high. I am determined not to let this break me. Yes. :)
posted by w in d~ at 14:10
Thursday, April 24
I'm a rose, I'm a rose...da da da da da daaa...
Yes yes. I've been eyeing that yellow beetle! I'm so glad I'm one. *giggles*
posted by w in d~ at 17:34
My favourite Norah Jones' song.
Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song
Come away with me on a bus
Come away with me where they can't tempt us
With their lies
I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows
knee kigh
So won't you try to come
Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountain top
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you
And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me
posted by w in d~ at 17:21
It must be the caffeine. I'm typing this blog at double my usual speed and I believe whatever is to be posted will be utter rubbish. And as the saying goes, good rubbish can make good advice. Nyahaha. I'm not making any sense am I? Anyway, I usually don't drink coffee and the last time I did so (excluding Monday) was a few months ago. And that wasn't a good experience because I was bestowed with a coffee-intolerant stomach. SO. I made myself take coffee. Starting with latte. Haha. Then I shall go on to mocha and then cappucino and then finally espresso!! Maybe by the time I'm addicted to it, I'll be having double shots of it! Yum.
OK. So that was crap. Please pardon me. I need to channel my hyperactivity somewhere. 'Else I'll do some unimaginable stuff to myself/someone. Hahhahaa. *cough* I need to calm myself down. *huffpuff* My mind's running all over. I can't catch up. Uh oh, I think it's trying to make me type some supposed-to-be-censored stuff. Urgh.
*Quick fingers! Click on Post and Publish!*
[exit fingers]
posted by w in d~ at 17:15
Wednesday, April 23
I'm in the clouds today. Somebody, get me back down to earth.
posted by w in d~ at 23:26
Sunday, April 20
Things I've done yesterday:
1. Woke up at 6.15 am!
2. Jogged up a hill near home. Yes. I finally did some exercise. Getting very unfit. And as I'm typing, my abdomen hurts. And I wonder why...
3. Went for a drive and had mamak breakfast with mom and dad.
4. Drove back and it was raining!!! Almost had a heart attack. Anyway, it was a *great* achievement coz it was the first day I've actually driven on the road after I've gotten my license. Heh. *grin*
5. Watched Japanese cartoon. Totoro is soooooooo cute and adorable!! Small eyes, button-y nose and a silly grin. Reminds me of someone. Hmmmm.
6. Did some housework, met him, go out, have fun and slept. :p
So there. My day, yesterday. Nothing spectacular, but it's worth blogging, no? Anyway, TMNet screwed up, so no access. Dumdeedum.
posted by w in d~ at 13:58
Wednesday, April 16
Something funny happened during Jap class today. Like all other beginner's language lessons, we are supposed to repeat any sentences the teacher asked us to. SO, the teacher was doing her job, getting us to pronouce this word, chiisai (meaning small), properly. And yours truly, was somehow very distracted and somehow the mind was far far away in Namur, accidentally said chii*ai (a Hokkien vulgarity). Haha.
posted by w in d~ at 22:50
Something weighs heavily on my mind. But I cannot pinpoint exactly what is troubling me. Or is it a mixture of everything? Somehow I'm feeling depressed despite everything's going on pretty fine...or is it not?
posted by w in d~ at 17:16
Monday, April 14
Some photos of my Japanese class. The second photo has an extremely pretty teacher!! (She's in black with long hair. Not the one with glasses lah!) Couldn't stop staring at her. Fumbled like hell when she asked me a question. But she's so captivating!!
posted by w in d~ at 22:37
Sunday, April 13
Under watchful eye of camera
PEOPLE who have been placed under home quarantine will now have to report in front of a surveillance camera several times a day.
If they are not at home when healthcare workers call, they will have to use an electronic tag on their wrist and will be given a written warning.
The tags are linked to a telephone line dedicated to the quarantine scheme and will alert the authorities if the person leaves his home or tries to break his tag.
The idea is similar to a scheme used to track prison inmates serving their sentence at home.
The government has had to resort to such measures because several people who had been ordered to stay home flouted the instruction.
The Health Ministry said that 12 people have broken quarantine orders since it invoked the Infectious Diseases Act on March 25.
Five of them are from a secondary school and a kindergarten. One is a polytechnic student and the other six are immediate family members of SARS patients.
In one case, a woman under stay-at-home orders came down with a fever and went to see her general practitioner on April 3, without revealing she was under quarantine.
Two days later, when her fever had not gone down, her relatives broke their quarantine and ferried her in a car to the National University Hospital (NUH), instead of using the ambulance service to Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), the designated SARS hospital.
She is now down with SARS and warded at NUH's intensive care unit because she is too sick to be transferred to TTSH. Her husband was diagnosed with SARS on Thursday.
None of NUH's nurses or doctors has fallen ill.
There are currently 490 people ordered to stay home because they have come into contact with SARS patients.
On Thursday, Cisco officers served the quarantine orders on 200 people and installed an electronic picture camera at the homes of all 490.
The cameras can be switched on and off by users – to maintain their privacy. But when health officials call, they must switch on the camera and stand in front of it. – The Straits Times/Asia News Network
* Now, doesn't this sound like George Orwell's 1984? The only difference is that they cannot switch off the damn thing. Heh. Singapore's into Big-Brother-hood eh?
posted by w in d~ at 00:45
Thursday, April 10
HSA rejected me. I'm a reject. I'm just not good enough.
posted by w in d~ at 18:52
Tuesday, April 8
If you drive, go here. Heh.
NB: Macromedia Flash Player 6 required.
posted by w in d~ at 18:11
Monday, April 7
Tsk. Some very demanding people demanded this horribly big and out-of-proportion photo. Hmmphf.
posted by w in d~ at 23:03
Konbanwa! Good evening! Had my first Japanese language lesson today. Interesting experience. And everybody in the class just clicked! Of course, that is probably due to the small class size of 7 people, but nevertheless, I'm looking forward to more Jap lessons. *grin* I'm also thinking of taking up French as well. Maybe a once-a-week thing. Hm...But I'm afraid for my English! It's nowhere near 'good' and this extra language might kill it? Sighs. How how how. I just cannot bear the thought of Pereira appearing in my dreams and mocking me, telling me I deserved this because I refused to do her language exercises and follow her 'thinking pattern'. Argh. Why can't I shake off her fat, clawing fingers?
Recently I had this series of inter-connecting dreams. They basically speak of the same thing -- I have an unfinished business in Singapore and I have to get there. So I have been running around in my dreams, trying to catch my scheduled flight/train/bus. And there is always some sort of obstacle. I wonder whether it's a premonition to something. Spooky lah. *shudder*
posted by w in d~ at 17:48
Saturday, April 5
posted by w in d~ at 14:49
Thursday, April 3
The lyrics are supposed to come out many days ago, but as usual, Blogger decided to screw up. Hai.
Well, regarding the ice-cream-eating-day event, it was great fun! Had a pint of Cookie Dough (yummy!) and Perils of Praline each between four of us. Since I was coughing that night, hope I didn't already passed the virus to them. Haha. Anyway, I want to have this outing again and have nice yummy ice cream!
All the best for your ST interview, Tong! in my opinion, I think they are really idiots.
posted by w in d~ at 20:18
Tuesday, April 1
Somewhere out there
Beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me
And loving me tonight
Somewhere out there
Someone's saying' a prayer
That we'll find one another
In that big somewhere out there
And even though I know
How very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing
On the same bright star
And when the night wind
Starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping
Underneath the same big sky
Somewhere out there
If love can see us through
Then we'll be together
Somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true
And even though I know
How very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing
on the same bright star
And when the night wind
Starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping
Underneath the same big sky
Somewhere out there
If love can see us through
Then we'll be together
Somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true...
posted by w in d~ at 22:47
I hope they look ok...the second one's kinda bad. Thanks to the roadsign.
posted by w in d~ at 00:17
Went to Baskin Robbins 31 for ice cream! Yummy. And some photos we took. This driver actually gave us a funny look. Had a good laugh. More on that later. But first, the photos. :)

posted by w in d~ at 00:16