OK. Looks like there is not a lot of difference to the blog although I have done a lot of work to the template. Something is still wrong...hm. Going back tomorrow!! *Can't* wait...urrgh. Which will also mean that I won't be able to blog
personally until Nov 2001. Oh, but dear dear
Rachel will be doing the job for me. Thanks Rach! *muacks*.
At about 20 minutes ago, I did a brilliant thing. Deleted some important stuff from the template. I have no idea what that important thing was, but it was bad enough to cause the fonts to change and the layout to be totally weird. UUrgh. Yes, as I've said, I will be going back to Singapore soon where I'll only be able to check my mail once a month or even less. Thanks to
Nanyang Girls' Boarding School, I will be losing contact with my friends studying overseas. College computer? Well, the connection speed's too slow and it takes almost 40 minutes to delete junk mails and then enough to read and reply
ONE mail. And thereafter, I have to rush off for my next lecture/tutorial.
wingLESSbeing, Guineapig, kenneth, cowzy, Pak Ling and uLtRaMaN online.
Yipee...I've finally found half my way round the templates page.
Forget about the layout lah. Hm. I'm going back to Singapore in two day's time. Dreadful. I am definitely not looking forward to school. Not because there's Common Test(btw, it's already over), but because it's just plain school. And because it's a Singaporean Junior College. :P